Water helps prevent symptoms of FICFLUTD. Should it become habitual dry cat food is much worse for a dogs overall health and functioning. Some cats prefer to be fed wet food in the morning for example but have dry food left out during the day to snack on.
Considering that there are millions of cats who eat dry food who dont have any urinary problems its reasonable to conclude that wetmoist cat food is not necessary for a cat to have a healthy bladder. Unlike many dogs cats prefer to crunch on their dry food and generally find it less attractive when soaked so keep it dry. Although many vets now question the dental benefits of dry food almost every vet would agree that cats are better off when they consume more water. Dry diets are readily accessible and less perishable when left out for house cats while we work and go about our day just like they are a convenient option for shelters and rescues so young cats are acclimated to them and adult.