← do cats miss their ownersdo cats miss their owners when rehomed →
However if your cat does eat jelly just make sure to watch over them for the next 24 hours or so. Just lie down next to the bowl as they are licking the jelly and nudge bits of meat into their jaws. The petroleum jelly works as a lubricant on the digestive tract and will make it easier for the cat to cough up or vomit the fur ball.
Sempervivum Live Forever Hen and Chicks Houseleek. What Youll Need to Treat an Open Wound on a Cat. In cases where your cat is having an exceptionally tough time with a hairball you might consider giving them some petroleum jelly but only as a last resort and not as something that you would give to them regularly as a digestive aid. But as with any medication use it accordingly.
← do cats miss their ownersdo cats miss their owners when rehomed →