← my cat is sluggish and not eatingmy cat keeps hiding under the bed →
If your cat is concealing beneath the bed it should be a straightforward matter of preference or as a result of he is quickly powerless and desires a tough break. If you notice your cat seems lethargic or is experiencing a loss of appetite seek the help of your veterinarian to rule out physical problems. Be prepared should be your mantra when bringing a new pet into your home.
If your cat is concealing beneath the bed it should be a straightforward matter of preference or as a result of he is quickly powerless and desires a tough break. Some reasons such as wanting alone time shouldnt concern you. If separating himself from the family is out of character concealing beneath the bed could also be a symptom of ill health or injury and should need intervention. A cat that is hiding under the bed is usually a cat with a medical condition.
← my cat is sluggish and not eatingmy cat keeps hiding under the bed →